Announcing Project Amplify

VTrain along with the industry starts Announcing Project Starting a Career a training program the participants successfully completing the training gets absorbed in the Industry.

Who We Are

Vtrain is a Solution Provider. At Vtrain, we work with you, helping you identify your potential and become more innovative, competitive & efficient to help you grow exponentially in the global markets

What We Do

We take an integrated approach to creating and implementing strategies, enhancing business processes, developing human capital, and better aligning technology – ultimately helping clients become more competitive and profitable.

Life at VTRAIN

We don’t stop at simply building better consultants; we believe in cultivating better people. We value inclusion, teamwork, intellectual curiosity, and mutual support.

We Bring The Right People Together To Challenge Established Thinking And Drive Transformation

Services We Provide


Policy Making

  • Service Rules
  • Procurement / Purchase Policy
  • Vendor Development
  • Staffing Patterns
  • Selection Process
  • Formation of New Production Units

HR Processes

  • Organizational Diagnosis 
  • Organizational change management 
  • Performance Management System (PMS) 
  • Pay roll management 
  • HR end to end outsourcing 
  • HR Operations 

Business Development

  • Brand development 
  • Marketing Policies 
  • Succession Planning ( Next 2 – 5 year development plan)
  • Increase sales profitability


  • Class room & online training
  • Preparing end-to-end training modules & curriculum.  
  • Function specific, behavioral & soft skills training 

Process Consultation

  • End to end functional process audit 
  • Maturity matrix 
  • Priority matrix (Red, amber, green)  

New Projects

  • Start- Up end to end consultancy 
  • Special functional projects  


  • Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives 
  • Partnering with NGOS’s 
  • Special projects 

Making of SOPs

Measurable Evaluation Process

The Team of Innovators

Our uniquely collaborative and passionate people work alongside our clients every step of the way—caring more, telling it like it is—to anticipate and overcome all the barriers to change.

Rajesh Chadha


Aakriti Bajaj

Sr. Consultant

Client Reveiws

Read client consulting reviews for our company.

Great information, thank you! this is a silent tool that I think most people overlook.
Jessica Alba
This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tony Wanless and Michael Zipursky, BCB. BCB said: Getting and Using Consulting Testimonials: Are you collecting testimonials from your consulting clients?
Will Brand
254 k
Client Trust

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